Thursday, February 21, 2008


The Vallejo/Strahl Wedding 2.10.08

E-Ber & C-Gas just looking hot without makeup...
Practically a professional make-up artist....Nicole was a great client!
You are so fierce....ready for the runway
Momma & Bella....Ready for the big moment!
Finally Married! Ok, ok... you can breathe now
Here are some of my favorite pictures from the blessed day (Thanks Sarah)!

From start to finish, this was one of the most fabulous days ever! Friday night, Jim & Julie (Andy's Parents) hosted a wonderful rehearsal dinner at Vallejo's downtown. We had TONS of yummy Mexican food and it was so nice to spend time with both the Vallejo & Strahl families. From there, we headed over to Myagi for some cocktails :)

On Saturday night, we Nicole, Yarrow, Sarah, Erin & I made a trip out to Elk Grove to spend some much needed QT together. We started our night off with a fancy dinner at Panda Express and then headed to our hotel for the night. We all did our best to try to get some sleep but you know how that goes....we were all excited (especially the Bride-to-Be) and had a hard time getting some sleep.

On Sunday morning, we juiced up with some much needed Starbucks and headed over to the hair salon to get pretty :) We had a fun time getting beautiful hairdos and being pampered with manicures and pedicures. Nicole's hair turned out perfect (very Eva Longoria-esque) and we were ready to head over to Gracie's (Nicole's Mom) to get all dressed and ready to go. After some very special pictures of Nicole, Gracie & Victor (Nicole's dad) we tried to gather everything to head to the church (tried is the key word). In a very Nicole-like fashion, Nicole was missing everything from her keys to her purse and we got a little postponed...but eventually headed off in the Prius. Yarrow tried to kill us a few times on the way to the church (ran a couple stop lights, almost rearended someone, etc.) but we made it. Phew.....